
  1. Linjie Zhao (2024). Moderate deviation principles for a reaction diffusion model in non-equilibrium arXiv:2408.11633
  2. Linjie Zhao (2024).Moderate deviation principles for the WASEP. arXiv:2405.16151
  3. Clément Erignoux and Linjie Zhao, (2023). Stationary fluctuations for the facilitated exclusion process. arxiv:2305.13853
  4. Linjie Zhao, (2023). Stationary fluctuations for a multi-species zero range process with long jumps. arXiv:2303.09110


  1. Lu Xu and Linjie Zhao (2024). Hydrodynamics for asymmetric simple exclusion on a finite segment with Glauber-type source. Journal of Statistical Physics , 191(78).
  2. Xiaofeng Xue and Linjie Zhao (2024). Sample path MDP for the current and the tagged particle in the SSEP. Electronic Journal of Probability , 29(91), 1-39.
  3. Clément Erignoux, Marielle Simon and Linjie Zhao, (2024). Mapping hydrodynamics for the facilitated exclusion and zero-range processes. Annals of Applied Probability , 34 (1B), 1524-1570.
  4. Xiaofeng Xue and Linjie Zhao, (2024). Moderate deviations for the current and tagged particle in symmetric simple exclusion processes. Stochastic Processes and their Applications , 167, 104218.
  5. Linjie Zhao, (2024). The motion of the tagged particle in the asymmetric exclusion process with long jumps. Bernoulli , 30 (3), 2399 - 2422.
  6. Xiaofeng Xue and Linjie Zhao (2024). The voter model with a slow membrane. Journal of Theoretical Probability , 1 - 43.
  7. Linjie Zhao, (2024). Equilibrium perturbations for asymmetric zero range process under diffusive scaling in dimensions d ≥ 2. Frontiers of Mathematics. , 19 (5).
  8. Clément Erignoux, Marielle Simon and Linjie Zhao, (2023). Asymmetric attractive zero-range processes with particle destruction at the origin. Stochastic Processes and their Applications , 159, 1-33.
  9. Lu Xu and Linjie Zhao, (2023). Equilibrium perturbations for stochastic interacting systems. Electronic Journal of Probability , 28(6), 1-30.
  10. Linjie Zhao, (2022). Long-time behavior of SSEP with slow boundary. Statistics & Probability Letters , 109452.
  11. Xiaofeng Xue and Linjie Zhao, (2021). Non-equilibrium fluctuations of the weakly asymmetric normalized binary contact path process. Stochastic Processes and their Applications , 135, 227-253.
  12. Xiaofeng Xue and Linjie Zhao, (2021). Moderate deviations for the SSEP with a slow bond. Journal of Statistical Physics , 182(48).
  13. Xiaofeng Xue and Linjie Zhao, (2020). Hydrodynamics of the weakly asymmetric normalized binary contact path process. Stochastic Processes and their Applications , 130, 6757-6782.
  14. Dayue Chen and Linjie Zhao, (2019). The invariant measures and the limiting behaviors of the facilitated TASEP. Statistics & Probability Letters , 108557.

Online Seminars


Dayue Chen ; Clément Erignoux ; Marielle Simon ; Lu Xu ; Xiaofeng Xue .


  1. 格点和完全图上的交互粒子系统的流体动力学及相关, 国家自然科学基金面上项目 (项目批准号: 12371142), 2024.01-2027.12, 在研,参与.
  2. 树上随机游动中的多层分析问题, 国家自然科学基金面上项目 (项目批准号: 11971038), 2020/01-2023/12, 结题,参与.

Invited talks

  1. Equilibrium perturbations for stochastic interacting systems. Analysis, PDE & Probability Seminar, KIAS. Online. 2024/04/25. Slides
  2. Moderate deviations for the tagged particle in the symmetric simple exclusion process. Slides
  3. Hydrodynamic limits and stationary fluctuations for the facilitated exclusion process. Wuhan University. January 2024. Slides
  4. Asymmetric attractive zero-range processes with particle destruction at the origin. The 5th Colloquium on Interacting Particle Systems at Técnico, Lisbon. Online. January 2021. Website